Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thesis Crit. 2/18

Today I showed some of my video work because I had not done so before in this class beyond blog posts. I got some good ideas for how to move forward in the work, like focusing more specifically on breaking down appropriated material. I do want to note though that these issues have been addressed before in my video classes, and so don’t reflect my most recent works, which I feel very much embody those changes. Nevertheless it was an affirmation of the direction I’m going in towards video, which is very helpful.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thesis Spring 2011 Critique 1

Overall I felt this was a very helpful critique. My project and concept benefited from the fresh perspectives that my fellow students and critique leader shared. I’ve decided on incorporating “audience” interactivity into my project, one of the issues associated with this that we discussed as a group was how the artist goes about communicating that boundary to a viewer that is largely uninvited to explore works through touch. I felt this conversation became even more relevant later when a fellow group member showed us his in progress idea which also incorporates interactivity. I think the next step for me critique wise is to use a project space and try installing some of these thesis ideas. I feel that until I actually see some of these things in full space fruition, I can’t know which direction to strongly take my thesis in. I need to make some decisions regarding how sculpture oriented I want this project to be and how intensely I want video to be involved in that. We discussed some logistical issues with having an art project open to interaction, like potential damages, space issues, and whether some of the pieces I have put together now are really appropriate for that space. I need more time to think about all of these points and create more work to get an even clearer sense of where I stand in relation to a coherent piece. In these upcoming days, months, and weeks I will be working diligently and I have full confidence that these questions will be answered and the path will unfold as that happens.